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PROPER, UPPER, LOWER & TRIM Formula in MS Excel || Learn @ Excel Suite

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The PROPER/UPPER/LOWER & TRIM formula in excel has one compulsory parameter, i.e., text.

Compulsory Parameter:

  • text: The text or string whose first character in each word will be converted to uppercase and all remaining characters converted to lowercase.

Example #1

In this example, we took a set of random text to apply the proper function to it, and the output is shown in the Output column. PROPER in Excel covert the supplied text to the proper format.

Example #2 

In the second example, we use the input text having random spacing b/w words. So here, we have to use the Trim function with a PROPER function to get the well-formatted output. The proper function first covert each first word to the upper case, then the trim function removes all the unnecessary spaces from the supplied text, as shown in the below table.

PROPER, UPPER, LOWER & TRIM Formula in MS Excel || Learn @ Excel Suite PROPER, UPPER, LOWER & TRIM Formula in MS Excel || Learn @ Excel Suite Reviewed by Excel Suite on January 09, 2021 Rating: 5

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